Hi there! Let me first say that I’m glad you are here. Helping you realize your potential and equipping you with the tools and information to take it further is what VivaBeat is all about.
My name is Tina Ván. An audio engineer and music creative. I started VivaBeat because I was once a girl with a dream to take my ideas and turn them into professional recordings for others to listen to. So – off to audio school I went, driving thousands of miles away from home just to get more knowledge. I spent hours upon hours in professional studios learning and creating. It was an experience I loved and will always cherish but now I strive to help others learn about audio without having to spend tons of money going to audio school or expensive recording studios.
As creatives, I know the last thing you want to be worrying about is sacrificing your time or money in order push your art further. Going into a professional recording studio can quickly get expensive when paying by the hour means you have limited time to make music (now there’s a quick way to lose inspiration). On the other hand, going to recording school is also very expensive and the technology used is constantly evolving.
The bottom line is that making great sounding music wherever you are IS possible and I’m here to show you how WITHOUT breaking the bank. I am here to support you on your journey as a music creative and I am rooting for you. Your art deserves to be heard!
– Tina